Tuesday, June 16, 2009

I'm walking...yes, indeed!

For some strange reason, I have found it very difficult to actually sit down and update my little guy's story. Maybe it's because I've become increasingly guarded of my spunky little monkey. And, then...something happened that sent me into a whirlwind of emotion.

He walked!

There were those who doubted he would walk. And to those individuals, all I can say is that our God is a mighty and gracious one. As I gaze upon that smiling little face toddling towards me, I can't help but thank God above for choosing us to be "Monkey's" family. This little boy was perfectly designed for our family long before we dreamed of adopting from China.

Just when I think that I can't fall further in love with my little boy, I am reminded that I "ain't seen nothing yet!"

Bug Hugs and Sunshine...

--Bug's Mom


sue williams said...

I am late in checking in, what a great suprise to see him teetering along to his momma with that big Spunky Monkey smile. He is just adorable! Thanks for the video

Sharing Life and Love said...

Amazing Little Guy and oh so handsome!