Thursday, August 14, 2008

Heigh Ho, Heigh Ho... It's back to work I go!

There's something exciting about going back to school.... the smell of new crayons and freshly sharpened pencils, picking out folders and lunch boxes, and receiving that special letter addressed to you telling you who your teacher will be.

Things aren't much different for teachers. I'm one of the first ones at the stores for the back-to-school sales. I just love it! And, like the children... I truly enjoy picking out my new lunch box every year (much to my husband's dismay.) Of course, the most exciting time is getting my special letter telling me who my students will be for the year.

Today marked my first day back for the new school year. There was such a positive charge in the air, as we all spent the first hour catching up on our summer adventures. My summer adventure, however, is truly just beginning! While others were engrossed in Personal Development and resource schedules, I found my mind a "half a world" away. And, like any teacher... I was working ways to take my new 5th grade darlings with me too. Stay tuned for how I take 20 students with me on our life changing experience!


Duchess of Lanier said...

I want to be in your classroom! Hope your weather is holding and you're avoiding the worst of it.
also back in school ;)